Planning alerts shut down

The planning alert website advertised on thsi site has been shut down and the following message appears is currently experiencing technical difficulties because of ongoing legal action by Royal Mail.
Our provider of postcode data,, has been taken offline because of legal action. Until we find an alternative source, will be unable to send out any email alerts, or publish data via it's API. We apologise for the inconvenience. For more information, visit the Ernest Marples Blog
Now the Alerts were not working for Aberdeenshire anyway - a problem I raised with Raymond Reid, Aberdeenshire's head of planning some weeks ago.

With council's such as Aberdeenshire now limiting the acceptance of public representations to a mere 21 days, such alerts are important.  We are not all sad enough to visit Council websites to inspect list of newly submitted applications weekly.   But you currently have no alternative but to look at e.g. and look at the list of applications published weekly.

Please write to your MP asking them to sign Early Day Motion (number EDM 2000) and protest at the actions of The Royal Mail.   You can write to your MP here:

Over 1,250 people have so far signed a petition on the Prime Minister's website, please add your name:

And finally do blog and/or write to your local paper.


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