Aberdeen against Climate Change

I have been asked about local action relating to the Copenhagen talks. The only street event I know about is:
Friends of the Earth will be helping you to send a Message in a Bottle to Copenhagen 1-3pm Saturday 21st November, St. Nicholas Square (outside M&S). Collected messages will be conveyed to Copenhagen in December at the time of the all important summit. Please write your message - and if you can volunteer to help collect messages, just turn up and offer to help.
I would also urge you to make your views known direct to our parliamentarians. The simplest way is via http://www.writetothem.com. if you wish, contact your councillors too - we need to do what we can as individuals, at work, and in public life at all levels.

I think there are a few key messages that we need to get across
  • We need action at all levels now.
  • The developed world must lead - we have emitted most carbon so far so it is only fair for us to reduce first and fastest.
  • Change will not be easy for any of us - but the alternative is worse.
  • We can and will do our bit - but we need our politicians to take a lead. 

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