Local Development Plan - Consultation and Examination

On 24th June, Aberdeenshire Council agreed to publish its new Local Development Plan for public comment and that this plan should have some degree of materiality for planning decisions.

Since the previous round of Local Plans, there has been a change in legislation. This is not a draft plan that will then be turned into a Finalised Plan by the Council and then be subject to a Public Local Inquiry. This is IT. A reporter will be appointed and this plan will be subject to an examination to ensure it is "appropriate and sufficient".

So Representations (objections and expressions of support) will need to be made over the summer with a closing date of 1st October.

The process is new.  The Council will turn your representation into a Schedule 4 form which will contain
  1. Issue Reference and Heading
  2. Development Plan Reference
  3. Body or persons raising the issue
  4. Provision of the Development Plan to which the issue relates
  5. Council's summary of issue
  6. Modifications sought by those submitting representations
andthen the Council will add
  • Summary of Response by Council
  • Any further plan changes commended by Council
    and finally the Reporter will add
    • Reporters Conclusion
    • Reporters Recommendations
      In order to avoid your representation being misinterpreted by the Council and so that you know that you have included all the necessary information, I suggest that you format your representation under Headings 1 to 7 above.  You are restricted to a maximum of 2000 words plus limited supporting productions.

      Thanks to Planning Aid Scotland for the session from which I gleaned the above.  Any errors are mine not theirs!

      In my next post, I will comment on the format of the local plan and what that means for you if you want to make a representation - the form is very different from previous plans.

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      I am happy to address most contributions if they are coherent. Comments with a constructive contribution to make to the discussion, even if it is critical will be posted.

      Please do not add comments in the name of real people unless you are that person.

      The views expressed in comments are those of the poster, not me.